Author by: Philippe JoubinLanguange: enPublisher by:Format Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 42Total Download: 242File Size: 41,7 MbDescription: This is the famous WRC (World Rally Championship) annual: the complete report about each race, with a magazine section at the beginning of the book featuring stories about the worldchampion as well as other historical and technical topics. The Rally championship becomes more and more popular as the show has recently been improved to better fit with TV coverage requirements. With on-board cameras and TV footage during prime time, the WRC is indeed now very popular in Britain, where it even challenges Formula One. This book is all about the magic of the WRC, with many pictures illustrating the wonderful landscapes which are the background of the championship, from Australia to Argentina.
It is published immediately after the last Rally, the RAC Rally of Britain. Author by: Commodity Research BureauLanguange: enPublisher by: John Wiley & SonsFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 39Total Download: 119File Size: 55,8 MbDescription: THE SINGLE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SOURCE OF COMMODITY AND FUTURESMARKET INFORMATION AVAILABLE Since 1939, professional traders, commercial hedgers, portfoliomanagers, and speculators have come to regard The CRB CommodityYearbook as the 'bible' of the industry. Here is a wealth ofauthoritative data, gathered from government reports, privateindustry, and trade and industry associations, all compiled by theCommodity Research Bureau, the organization of record for theentire commodity industry itself. Author by: Commodity Research BureauLanguange: enPublisher by: John Wiley & SonsFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 35Total Download: 642File Size: 41,5 MbDescription: Dubbed the 'bible' by market analysts and traders since 1939,The CRB Commodity Yearbook provides indispensableinformation on over 100 domestic and international commodities. TheYearbook includes seasonal patterns and historical data,pricing and trading patterns on a monthly and annual basis, andmore than 1,000 charts, tables, and graphs coveringproduction/consumption, supply and demand patterns, and tradinghighlights. Gathered from government reports, private industry, andtrade and industry associations, the data is compiled by theCommodity Research Bureau for this indispensible report.
You?ll find: Worldwide supply/demand and production/consumption data for allthe basic commodities and futures markets - from A(luminum) toZ(inc), including all the major markets in interest rates,currencies, energy, and stock index futures. Over 900 tables, graphs, and price charts of historical data,many of which show price history dating back to 1900.
A fact-filled CD-ROM featuring valuable commodity informationin an easy-to-use electronic format. Concise introductory articles that describe the salientfeatures of each commodity and help put the quantitativeinformation in perspective.
Articles by prominent professionals on key markets andimportant issues, including several by CRB Chief Economist, RichardW. Asplund:?Major Commodity Bull Market Continues in 2004,' 'U.S.Economy in 2004 Shows Strong Growth,' 'World Economy in 2004 ShowsImprovement,' and 'China Continues to Drive Global CommodityPrices.' Order your copy today! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of eBook file. Author by: Susan L.
SenecahLanguange: enPublisher by: RoutledgeFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 78Total Download: 295File Size: 47,8 MbDescription: Editorial Scope The Environmental Communication Yearbook is a multidisciplinary forum through which a broad audience of academics, professionals, and practitioners can share and build theoretical, critical, and applied scholarship addressing environmental communication in a variety of contexts. This peer-reviewed annual publication invites submissions that showcase and/or advance our understanding of the production, reception, contexts, or processes of human communication regarding environmental issues. Theoretical expositions, literature reviews, case studies, cultural and mass media studies, best practices, and essays on emerging issues are welcome, as are both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.