What here we providing is AlmasMongolian Keyboard, which was developped on the AppleProducts like iPad, or iPhone. Just because the smart phonedevice only have soft keyboard. The soft keyboard on the mostmobile device is alphabet and the digit or symbol is switchedby one switch key. Our Almas Mongolian Keyboard put thecontrol code on Capital A, S, D, F, G to simplify themongolian input.Although the Windows Vista andWindows 7 all defaultly installed mongolian input method anddefined keyboard layout, but the mongolian control code hasbeen defined on the symbol key. It will cause, some of thesymbol will be prohibited to input from mongoliankeyboard.The most important reason to provideAlmas Mongolian Keyboard is for provideing same input methodon PC and mobile, Apple and Windows to simplify forremembering the keyboard layout.Hope all of you like to use it andif you have any advice to improve the method, please let usknow. The history of MongolianInformation Processing at least have ten to fifteen years.According to our knowledge, there are a lot kind ofMongolian system.
The Mongolian OS or Mongolain encodingmethod, at least have above twenty kinds of it. All ofthese systems, have not unified their encode. The Mongolianscripts save to computer use computer code. By these days,the code of Mongolian saved by the individual systemsmentioned above, is all different each others. It causesthe saved document can not share each other.In this digital ages, the standardized encoding isextremely important. Before the Unicode, all of the countrydefined their own standards. After the Unicode getting morepopular, recently, all of the systems accept the Unicodeand provide the unicode support.
The Mongolian UnicodeStandard had been accepted by ISO organization and UnicodeConsortium in early 2000.But the Mongolian Unicode StandardProposal use new font rendering techniques. On the Windows (include XPinstalled Mongolian Font Rendering Package), the MS Office2007 products and notepad can edit Mogolian. Office productcan edit Mongolian in Vertical line mode, some of them onlysupport right to left line feed, but the notepad and otherapplication only support horizantal line mode.The Word product in Office 2007and the following version, can support Mongolian editing inVertical line mode and left to right line feed.We will continue to introduce theMongolian Editor and other Applications here. Please waitand check regularly.Web Page Techniques correspiondingto Mongolian.
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